16.08.2015 Poster talk on Lomonosov 2015 conference

The poster about DataForge was presented on Lomonosov 2015 conference on particle physics. The poster itself could be downloaded from here.

16.08.2015 DataForge site launched

DataForge This site is launched. The repository for site development is here. The site is built using grain framework and uses Bootstrap styles as a template. An interesting feature of this site is that while it is static, it is automatically generated from source shards. For example this news item is a shard itself (see the source code ).

08.02.2016 February site update

The site haven't been update for almost 6 months so it is time for some news.

First of all, the work on project is not stopped. The API's and core concepts are constantly updated. Last few months the main work was concentrated on refining the storage API and on new control architecture.

Second, sadly we failed to obtain a separate funding for the project in 2016, so it still will be developed mostly fro the purposes of "Troitsk nu-mass" experiment and in my free time (of which I sadly do not have much).

The work in near future will be concentrated on finalizing storage and control APIs and the main task is... tasks (the pull data flow model implementation).

The new DataForge BitBucket repository is separated from "Troitsk nu-mass" code and therefore could be used as a standalone library. There is still quite a lot unsolved issues and a terrible shortage in documentation, but I am working on it.