1 Dmitry Ageev (SMI) "Entanglement islands and black holes"
2 Julia Ageeva (INR) "On the strong coupling problem in cosmologies with “strong gravity in the past”"
3 Ibragim Alikhanov (NCFU) "Novel channels with the Glashow resonance"
4 Oleg Antipin (RBI) "Standard model at Large Charge"
5 Andrej Arbuzov (JINR) "Parton distribution functions in QED"
6 Elena Arbuzova (DSU & NSU) "Curvature oscillations in modified gravitational baryogenesis and high energy cosmic rays"
7 Kento Asai (U of Tokyo) "Sub-GeV dark matter search at ILC beam dumps"
8 Lev Astrakhantsev (MIPT) "Non-abelian fermionic T-duality in supergravity"
9 Eugeny Babichev (IJCLab) "Shrouded black holes in Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet gravity"
10 Maximilian Bachmaier (LMU & MPP) "Radiation Emission during the Erasure of Magnetic Monopoles"
11 Marcin Badziak (U of Warsaw) "Astrophobic QCD axion."
12 Vladislav Barinov (INR) "All-sky limits on Sterile Neutrino Galactic Dark Matter"
13 Andrei Barvinsky (LPI) "Valery Rubakov and quantum cosmology: origin of the Universe"
14 Alexander Belyaev (U of Southampton) "Towards decoding the nature of Dark Matter"
15 Zurab Berezhiani (U LAquila & LNGS) "Matter, dark matter and antimatter in the Universe and the origin of antinuclei in cosmic rays"
16 Wilfried Buchmueller (DESY) "Metastable cosmic strings"
17 Aleksandr Chatrchyan (DESY) "Stochastic relaxation of the electroweak scale"
18 Victor Chernyak (BINP) "Phase transitions between confinement and higgs phases in ${\cal N}=1 SU(N_c)$ SQCD with $1\leq N_F\leq N_c-1$ quark flavors"
19 Anton Chudaykin (U of Geneva) "Non-perturbative probability distribution function for cosmological counts in cells"
20 Mikhail Danilov (LPI) "Status of sterile neutrino searches"
21 Daniil Davydov (INR) "Testing universal dark-matter caustic rings with galactic rotation curves"
22 Anton Dmitriev (INR) "Self-similar growth of Bose stars"
23 Ekaterina Dmitrieva (INR) "The effects of the birth of particles in the field of waves of high intensity."
24 Alexander Dolgov (NSU & JINR) "Lifting tension of HST and JWST data with conventional cosmology by PBHs"
25 Gia Dvali (LMU & MPI) "Saturons"
26 Cem Eroncel (ITU) "Axion-like particle dark matter: Beyond the standard paradigm"
27 Victor Fadin (BINP) "Colour structure of three-reggeon cuts in QCD"
28 Bulat Farkhtdinov (INR & MIPT) "Suppression exponent for multiparticle production in λϕ^4 theory"
29 Glennys Farrar (NYU) "Possible stable sexaquark"
30 Maxim Fitkevich (INR & MIPT) "Real-time path integral for semiclassical description of evaporating black holes"
31 Luiz Garcia de Andrade (UERJ) "Conformal gauge gravity and hyperdynamos from torsion trace."
32 Ratmir Gazizov (MSU) "False vacuum decay around a black hole"
33 Sergey Godunov (LPI) "Muon pair production via the photon fusion at the LHC: weak interaction corrections."
34 Alexey Golovnev (BUE) "Geometric ways of modifying gravity"
35 Dmitry Gorbunov (INR) "Pulsar timing signals from an innverse phase transition in the early Universe"
36 Yann Gouttenoire (Tel Aviv U) "Primordial black holes from supercooled phase transition"
37 Ruth Gregory (KCL) "Acceleration and Black Hole Thermodynamics"
38 Vahe Gurzadyan (AANL) "Hubble tension, modified gravity and satellite testing General Relativity"
39 S. Habib Mazharimousavi (EMU) "Topologically Quantized Black Hole"
40 Aidar Ilyasov (NRC KI & NRNU MEPhI) "Recent results on a machine learning approach to event position reconstruction in the DEAP-3600 Dark Matter Search Experiment"
41 Ara Ioannisyan (YerPhI) "Oscillations of sub-GeV neutrinos in matter."
42 Alexey Isaev (JINR & MSU) "Generalized Wigner operators and massless relativistic fields"
43 Rinat Kagirov (INR) "Model of inflation without singularity"
44 Dmitrii Kalashnikov (INR) "New Physics at NICA"
45 Renata Kallosh (Stanford U) "Status of UV divergences in maximally supersymmetric theories"
46 Dmitry Kazakov (BLTP JINR) "Non-renormalizable interactions:"
47 Sergei Kholodenko (INFN-Pisa) "Recent results and prospects of the NA62 experiment at CERN"
48 Polina Kivokurtseva (MSU & INR) "Neutrino production in blazar radio cores"
49 Nikita Kolganov (MIPT & ITMP MSU & LPI) "Nonequillibrium Gaussian QFT and its analytic properties"
50 Igor Krasnov (INR) "HNL see-saw: lower mixing limit and pseudodegenerate state"
51 Ekaterina Kriukova (INR & MSU) "Dark photon emission in elastic proton bremsstrahlung"
52 Yury Kudenko (INR) "Recent results and prospects of LBL accelerator experiments"
53 Maria Kudenko (INR) "Towards new tests of cosmic-ray correlations with BL Lac type objects"
54 Alexander Kurov (LPI) "Asymptotic freedom in (3+1)-dimensional projectable Horava gravity"
55 Mikhail Kuznetsov (INR) "A new bound on UHECR source number density from detection of the highest energy cosmic rays"
56 George Lavrelashvili (TSU) "New Euclidean axion wormholes."
57 Dmitry Levkov (INR & ITMP MSU) "Solar mass black holes from neutron stars and bosonic dark matter"
58 Alexander Libanov (MSU & INR) "Q-balls and LIGO/VIRGO gravitational wave signals"
59 Andrei Linde (Stanford U) "Cosmological $\alpha$-attractors, CMB, and PBH"
60 Ivan Logashenko (BINP) "Measurement of pion formfactor by CMD-3 and its implications to hadronic contribution to muon (g-2)"
61 Santosh Lohakare (BITS-Pilani) "Observational constrained F(R, G) gravity cosmological model and the dynamical system analysis"
62 Nickolay Martynenko (MSU & INR) "On the contribution of cosmic-ray interactions in the Galactic halo to the observed neutrino flux"
63 Vasily Maslov (INR) "Monodromy oscillons: an effective analytic description"
64 Larry McLerran (INT U of Washington) "Cold Matter at Very High Baryon Density"
65 Andrey Mironov (LPI) "Little review of matrix models"
66 Sergey Mironov (INR & ITMP MSU) "Global stability in Horndeski theory and beyond"
67 Victor Mishnyakov (LPI & MIPT) "Position space approach to banana Feynman diagrams"
68 Karapet Mkrtchyan (ICL) "On democratic formulation of field theory and electric-magnetic duality."
69 Slava Mukhanov (LMU) "Discrete Gravity"
70 Roman Nevzorov (LPI) "Cold Dark Matter in the SE6SSM"
71 Emin Nugaev (INR) "Effective potential in Friedberg-Lee-Sirlin model"
72 Alexander Panin (INR) "Bose stars"
73 Alexander Parkhomenko (YarSU) "Photon Polarization Operator in External Electromagnetic Field with Account of Virtual-Fermion AMM"
74 Laxmipriya Pati (U of Tartu) "Stability of symmetric teleparallel scalar-tensor cosmologies with alternative connections"
76 Nikita Petrov (BINP) "Mass composition of 1-100 PeV cosmic rays with KASCADE and machine learning"
77 Nikolay Pozdnyakov (NSU) "Leptogenesis via absorption by primordial black holes"
78 Grigory Rubtsov (INR) "Constraints on the extragalactic magnetic field from gamma-ray observations of GRB 221009A"
79 Damir Sadekov (MIPT) "Effective mass of the graviton in de Sitter space"
80 Dmitry Salnikov (INR & MSU) "Light-shining-through-wall cavity setups for probing ALPs."
81 Petr Satunin (INR) "Resonant generation of electromagnetic modes in nonlinear electrodynamics: Quantum perturbative approach"
82 Leonardo Senatore (ETH Zurich) "Positivity bounds on effective field theories with spontaneously broken Lorentz invariance."
83 Anatolii Serebrov (NRC KI - PNPI) "The result of the Neutrino-4 experiment, sterile neutrinos, dark matter and the Standard Model"
84 Geraldine Servant (DESY) "Electroweak baryogenesis: 38 years later"
85 Mikhail Shaposhnikov (EPFL) "Sterile Neutrino Dark Matter, Matter-Antimatter Separation, and the QCD Phase Transition"
86 Andrey Sharofeev (INR & MSU) "Shower formation constraints on cubic Lorentz Invariance Violation parameters in quantum electrodynamics"
87 Andrey Shavrin (SPbU) "First order phase transitions within holographic approach in application to baryon asymmetry problem"
88 Andrey Shkerin (U of Minnesota) "Thermal false vacuum decay around black holes"
89 Arina Shtennikova (INR) "Stable solutions in Horndeski theory"
90 Zurab Silagadze (BINP) "Analytical solution of the Sommerfeld-Page equation"
91 Simon Sotirov (MSU) "General constraints on sources of high-energy cosmic rays from the interaction losses"
92 Vyacheslav Spiridonov (JINR & NRU HSE) "Superconformal indices and special functions"
93 Boris Stern (INR) "The diversity of Gamma-Ray Bursts: from precursor to afterglow"
95 Alexander Tepliakov (IKBFU) "Some aspects of Tsallis Holographic dark energy"
96 Dam Thanh Son (Chicago U) "Tkachenko mode and noncommutative field theory"
97 Inar Timiryasov (NBI, U of Copenhagen) "Low-scale leptogenesis via neutrino oscillations"
98 Petr Tinyakov (ULB) "Constraints on promordial black holes from observation of stars"
99 Anna Tokareva (HIAS) "Unitarity bounds on effective field theories"
100 Denis Tolkachev (JINR) "Effective potentials in inflationary cosmology"
101 Alexey Toporensky (SAI MSU) "General radially moving references frames in the black hole background"
102 Sergey Troitsky (INR) "High-energy photons from distant sources, particle physics and cosmology."
103 Arkady Tseytlin (ICL & ITMP MSU) "AdS/CFT, Wilson loops and M2-branes"
104 Neil Turok (U of Edinburgh & PI) "A minimal SM/LCDM cosmology"
105 Arkady Vainshtein (U of Minnesota) "Instanton Calculus, Spectral Flow and Beta Functions."
106 Juan Mauricio Valencia Villegas (ITMP MSU) "Stability of nonsingular Cosmologies in Galileons with Torsion"
107 Mikhail Vasiliev (LPI) "Recent progress in higher-spin theory"
108 Victoria Volkova (INR) "Wormholes in scalar-tensor theories"
109 Wladyslaw Wachowski (LPI) "Heat kernel expansions for higher order and nonminimal operators"
110 Masato Yamanaka (Hosei U) "Impact of Higgsplosion on relic density of dark matter"
111 Shuichi Yokoyama (Ritsumeikan U) "What is the correct definition of entropy for general relativistic field theory?"
112 Nikita Zaigraev (MIPT & JINR) "N=2 higher spin theories and harmonic superspace"
113 Alexander Zakharov (JINR & NRC KI - ITEP) "New general relativity tests"
114 Alexey Zhevlakov (JINR) "Lepton flavor phenomenology of dark photon"